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庄一龙, 1945年生,国家一级作家,国家一级美术师。中国管理科学研究院特邀研究员。物理学“斥力子理论”创立者。把能量子作为反引力的实物粒子引人物理学,从而解释和推导出一些物理学新结论。2007年8月获“哲学和地球物理研究领域权威专家”称号。2008年获“世界华人重大学术科研成果特等奖”,被授予“世界杰出华人突出贡献奖”。主要文艺著作有:《庄一龙诗歌书法集》,入编大型图书《国魂艺术大家》《中国艺术翰墨瑰宝》《中国艺术百年》《当代国艺大师宝典》《中国书法大咖》《艺坛大家》。2015年被评为“中国艺圣”。由中国文学艺术家联合协会授予“人民艺术功勋”。现任中国杰出书画家协会终身名誉会长,北京润格艺术品鉴定中心首席评估鉴定顾问,世界十大殿堂级艺术大师,国际一级书画师。中国文学艺术交流协会名誉主席;北京艺海神州书画院名誉院长。中国诗书画出版社名誉社长。

Zhuang Yilong was born in 1945, a national first-class writer and a national artist. Special Researcher of Chinese Academy of Management Sciences. The founder of the repulsion subtheory of physics. Using energons as anti-gravitational physical particles leads physics, thus explaining and derive some new conclusions in physics. In August 2007, he won the title of "Authoritative Expert in Philosophy and Geophysics Research". In 2008, he won the "World Chinese Major Academic Research Achievements" and the "World Outstanding Chinese Outstanding Contribution Award". The main literary and artistic works are: "Zhuang Yilong Poetry and Calligraphy Collection", including large-scale books "National Soul Art Master", "Chinese Art calligraphy Treasure", "One Hundred Years of Chinese Art", "Contemporary National Art Master treasure Book", "Chinese Calligraphy Master", "Art World Master". In 2015, it was awarded as the "Chinese Art Saint"."People's Art Merits" was awarded by the Chinese Literary Artists United Association. Currently, he is the lifelong honorary president of China Outstanding Calligraphers and Painters Association, the chief appraisal consultant of Beijing Runge Art Appraisal Center, one of the world's top ten palace art masters, and an international first-class calligraphy and painter. Honorary President of Chinese Literature and Art Exchange Association; Honorary President of Beijing Yihai Shenzhou Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Honorary President of Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House。

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